Configuring PostgreSQL for Blocking Events Longer Than 30 Seconds

Configuring PostgreSQL for Blocking Events Longer Than 30 Seconds


In today's blog post, we will delve into the topic of configuring PostgreSQL to handle blocking events that last longer than 30 seconds. Blocking events occur when one transaction holds a lock on a resource and prevents other transactions from accessing it. By default, PostgreSQL waits indefinitely for these events to resolve themselves, potentially causing performance issues. However, we can optimize PostgreSQL's behavior by setting a timeout for blocking events, ensuring that system resources are not tied up for too long.

Adjusting the Lock Timeout

To configure PostgreSQL to handle blocking events longer than 30 seconds, we need to adjust the lock timeout settings. By default, PostgreSQL does not have a specific timeout for blocking events. However, we can use the "lock_timeout" parameter to define a limit on how long PostgreSQL will wait for a lock to be released. This timeout ensures that if a transaction holds a lock for too long, other transactions are not unnecessarily delayed. To set a lock timeout of 30 seconds, we can execute the following command:

ALTER SYSTEM SET lock_timeout = '30s';

After executing this command, PostgreSQL will automatically apply the lock timeout to any subsequent connections. Additionally, you can set the "lock_timeout" parameter in the postgresql.conf file to make the change persistent across system restarts.

Handling Blocked Transactions

When a blocking event exceeds the defined lock timeout, PostgreSQL takes specific actions to handle the situation. By default, PostgreSQL will cancel the blocked transaction after the timeout is reached. However, you can modify this behavior by adjusting the "statement_timeout" parameter. This parameter defines the maximum time a statement can execute before being canceled. By setting the "statement_timeout" value higher than the "lock_timeout" value, you can allow blocked transactions to continue executing after the lock timeout, giving them a chance to complete.

To set the statement timeout to be higher than the lock timeout, use the following command:

SET statement_timeout = '1min';

With this configuration, PostgreSQL will cancel the blocked transaction only if it exceeds one minute of execution time, even if the lock timeout is reached earlier. This flexibility ensures that long-running transactions are not abruptly terminated and allows them to complete successfully if they can.


In conclusion, configuring PostgreSQL to handle blocking events longer than 30 seconds is essential for maintaining optimal performance and preventing resource bottlenecks. By adjusting the lock timeout and statement timeout parameters, you can ensure that blocked transactions are handled efficiently and do not unnecessarily tie up system resources. Remember to carefully consider the appropriate timeout values for your specific use case to strike a balance between transaction execution time and system resource utilization. Implementing these configurations will help you optimize your PostgreSQL database and ensure smooth and efficient operations.