Failover and Recovery Scenarios in InnoDB Cluster and ClusterSet

Failover and Recovery Scenarios in InnoDB Cluster and ClusterSet

Regenerating the content with specific configuration recommendations and example scripts for failover and recovery in InnoDB Cluster and ClusterSet in MySQL:

InnoDB Cluster Failover and Recovery

1. Automatic Failover Configuration

  • Group Replication Setup: Ensure group_replication plugin is installed and enabled.

    INSTALL PLUGIN group_replication SONAME '';
  • Configuring Members: Set unique server_id for each member and configure replication settings.

    SET GLOBAL server_id = 1;  -- Different for each member
    SET GLOBAL group_replication_group_name = 'uuid()';
    SET GLOBAL group_replication_start_on_boot = ON;

2. Manual Failover Process

  • Force Primary Election: When necessary, you can manually force a member to become the primary.

    SET GLOBAL group_replication_force_members = 'member_uuid';

3. Node Recovery Script

  • Rejoining the Cluster: Use a script to automate the process of rejoining a node to the cluster.

    # Script to rejoin a node to the cluster

InnoDB ClusterSet Failover and Recovery

1. ClusterSet Configuration

  • Primary and Replica Clusters: Configure one cluster as primary and others as replicas.

    -- On the primary
    CREATE CLUSTERSET primary_cluster;
    -- On replicas
    CLUSTERSET REPLICATE FROM primary_cluster AT primary_host:port;

2. Failover to a Replica Cluster

  • Switchover Script: Use a script to switch primary roles between clusters.

    # Switchover to a new primary cluster
    mysql -e "CLUSTERSET SWITCHOVER TO replica_cluster;";

3. Recovery and Synchronization

  • Resynchronization Script: After failover, automate the resynchronization process.

    # Resynchronize a cluster after recovery
    mysql -e "CLUSTERSET REPLICATE FROM new_primary_cluster AT host:port;";

General Configuration Recommendations

  • Quorum Configuration: Carefully configure the quorum settings to avoid split-brain scenarios.

    SET GLOBAL group_replication_consistency = 'BEFORE_ON_PRIMARY_FAILOVER';
  • Performance Monitoring: Implement scripts to continuously monitor cluster health.

    # Monitor cluster health
    mysql -e "SELECT MEMBER_STATE FROM performance_schema.replication_group_members;";
  • Regular Backups: Automate backups for disaster recovery.

    # Backup script
    mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases > all_databases.sql


Implementing failover and recovery in InnoDB Cluster and ClusterSet requires careful planning and configuration. Utilizing scripts can help automate many aspects of this process, enhancing the reliability and efficiency of failover operations. Regular testing and validation of these scripts and configurations are critical to ensure the high availability and durability of your MySQL deployment.