Step-by-Step Runbook for Real-Time Data Replication from PostgreSQL to ClickHouse Using Debezium and Kafka

Step-by-Step Runbook for Real-Time Data Replication from PostgreSQL to ClickHouse Using Debezium and Kafka

Creating a real-time data replication pipeline from PostgreSQL to ClickHouse can be complex. This detailed runbook with a practical example outlines the steps required to set up this process:


  • PostgreSQL Server with data to replicate.
  • ClickHouse Server for data ingestion.
  • A Kafka Cluster for message queuing (optional, but recommended for scalable, real-time replication).
  • Change Data Capture (CDC) tool like Debezium.

Example Setup

  • PostgreSQL Database: sales_db
  • Table to Replicate: orders
  • ClickHouse Database: analytics_db
  • Kafka Topic: pg_orders

Step 1: Prepare the PostgreSQL Server

  • Install PostgreSQL and set up the sales_db database.
  • Ensure that the PostgreSQL server is configured to allow logical replication (wal_level = logical in postgresql.conf).
  • Create a replication user with the necessary permissions.

Step 2: Set Up ClickHouse

  • Install ClickHouse.

  • Create a database named analytics_db.

  • Define a schema in ClickHouse that corresponds to the PostgreSQL orders table. For example:

    CREATE TABLE analytics_db.orders (
        order_id Int32,
        order_date Date,
        amount Float32,
        customer_id Int32
    ) ENGINE = MergeTree()
    ORDER BY order_id;

Step 3: Install and Configure a CDC Tool (e.g., Debezium)

  • Install Debezium and connect it to your PostgreSQL instance.

  • Configure Debezium to track changes on the orders table. Example configuration snippet:

        "name": "sales_db_connector",
        "config": {
            "connector.class": "io.debezium.connector.postgresql.PostgresConnector",
            "database.hostname": "localhost",
            "database.port": "5432",
            "database.user": "replication_user",
            "database.password": "password",
            "database.dbname": "sales_db",
            "table.include.list": "public.orders",
            "": "pgoutput"

Step 4: Set Up Kafka for Message Queuing (Optional)

  • Install and start Kafka.
  • Create a new Kafka topic pg_orders for the orders table events.

Step 5: Stream Data from PostgreSQL to Kafka

  • Debezium will capture changes in the orders table and push them to the pg_orders Kafka topic.

Step 6: Stream Data from Kafka to ClickHouse

  • In ClickHouse, create a Kafka engine table to consume data from the Kafka topic:

    CREATE TABLE analytics_db.kafka_orders (
        order_id Int32,
        order_date Date,
        amount Float32,
        customer_id Int32
    ) ENGINE = Kafka()
    SETTINGS kafka_broker_list = 'kafka:9092',
             kafka_topic_list = 'pg_orders',
             kafka_group_name = 'clickhouse_group',
             kafka_format = 'JSONEachRow';
  • Create a materialized view to read from kafka_orders and write to the orders table in ClickHouse:

    CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW analytics_db.orders_consumer TO analytics_db.orders AS
    SELECT * FROM analytics_db.kafka_orders;

Step 7: Monitoring and Validation

  • Monitor the Debezium and Kafka logs for errors or lags.
  • Regularly verify data consistency between PostgreSQL and ClickHouse.

Step 8: Maintenance and Troubleshooting

  • Regularly back up both PostgreSQL and ClickHouse databases.
  • Update your replication setup as needed for any schema changes in PostgreSQL.


This runbook provides a framework for setting up real-time replication from PostgreSQL to ClickHouse using Debezium and Kafka. Always test in a staging environment before deploying to production. Regular monitoring and maintenance are essential to ensure the pipeline's reliability and efficiency.