Troubleshooting Deadlocks in PostgreSQL

Troubleshooting Deadlocks in PostgreSQL


Deadlocks can be a common and frustrating issue in database management systems, including PostgreSQL. A deadlock occurs when two or more transactions are waiting for each other to release resources, resulting in a deadlock situation where none of the transactions can proceed. In this blog post, we will discuss three important methods for troubleshooting deadlocks in PostgreSQL and provide practical tips for resolving them.

Identifying the Deadlock

The first step in troubleshooting deadlocks is to accurately identify when and where they occur. PostgreSQL provides several tools and techniques to help with this. One way is to enable the logging of deadlock events by setting the log_lock_waits parameter to 'on' in the PostgreSQL configuration file. This will log information about the transactions involved in the deadlock, allowing you to analyze and diagnose the issue effectively.

Additionally, PostgreSQL provides the pg_stat_activity view, which allows you to inspect the current transactions running on the server. By closely monitoring this view, you can identify transactions that are waiting for locks and potentially causing deadlocks. The pg_stat_activity view provides crucial information such as the transaction ID, query being executed, and the state of the transaction, which can be immensely helpful in troubleshooting deadlocks.

Analyzing the Deadlock

Once you have successfully identified a deadlock, the next step is to thoroughly analyze the cause of the deadlock. PostgreSQL provides a useful tool called pg_locks, which can be used to obtain detailed information about the locks held by each transaction involved in the deadlock. By querying this system view, you can gain insights into the lock type, lock mode, and the object being locked.

In addition to pg_locks, PostgreSQL also offers a pg_cancel_backend function, which can be used to terminate a specific transaction. This can be an effective way to resolve a deadlock situation by manually terminating one of the transactions involved. However, it is essential to exercise caution when utilizing this function, as terminating a transaction abruptly can potentially lead to data inconsistencies or other unforeseen issues.

Resolving the Deadlock

Resolving a deadlock in PostgreSQL typically involves modifying the application code or transaction logic to prevent the occurrence of deadlocks in the future. One common approach is to enforce a specific order in which locks are acquired to minimize the chances of deadlocks. This can be achieved by utilizing explicit locking mechanisms like SELECT ... FOR UPDATE or LOCK TABLE statements.

Another approach is to implement a retry mechanism in the application code. When a deadlock is detected, the application can automatically roll back the transaction and retry the operation after a short delay. This allows other transactions to complete, potentially avoiding the deadlock situation altogether.

In some cases, deadlocks may be caused by long-running transactions or queries that hold locks for an extended period of time. Optimizing these transactions or queries by carefully reviewing the execution plan and identifying potential bottlenecks can help reduce the chances of deadlocks occurring.


Deadlocks are an unfortunate reality in database management systems, and PostgreSQL is no exception. However, with the right tools, techniques, and proactive measures, troubleshooting and resolving deadlocks in PostgreSQL can become more manageable. By accurately identifying and analyzing the deadlocks, and implementing appropriate measures to prevent their occurrence, you can ensure the smooth and efficient operation of your PostgreSQL database, minimizing downtime and improving overall system reliability.